Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Ordinary

To touch you, to kiss you and to behold,
I would hold you like never before,
because I am so ordinary.

To love you , to dream you and to make love,
I would own you like never before,
because I am so ordinary.

I will live on you , feed your ego
and hurt my ego
because I am so ordinary

I will love you , possess your breath
and burn me inside
because I am so ordinary

I will lose me to win you and 
then lose you to win me
because I am so ordinary

I will loose you to fly away and
loose me to chase after
because I am so ordinary

I will burn my finger , earn my nights
eat my soul and feed my hunger
because I am so ordinary

I will fall, but call you never
I will call you, but never tell you ever
because I am so ordinary

Love me or love me not,
touch me or touch me not,
yearn me or earn me not,
I will burn and yearn 

because I am so ordinary.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Wait

I would have waited
If I had ever wanted truly and madly.
But , I didn't wait.

I would have waited
If I had never found out any reasons.

But, I didn't wait.

I would have waited
If I had felt the worth of this wait.
But, I didn't wait.

I needed a reminder, a constant touch,
a hovering shadow, a warm breath on my cold soul,
each and everyday , each and every night ..
And while I waited and I dreamt..
you turned into a dream.
The one that you forget up on waking,
the one that ask you to go back to sleep,
and still elude from you for the rest of the life.

So,  I didn't wait.
Instead I kissed the death.